The Foxchase is Officially On With Neither Could Dylan

Friday March 15th saw the release of Neither Could Dylan’s follow-up LP to 2023’s debut Acceptance and honestly we were too busy spinning it on the day of to talk about it. Foxchase is a 16-17 song (depending who you ask) juggernaut that Dylan has been caught saying, “in many ways, it’s a precursor to Acceptance.” Weaving traditional folk storytelling with Canadian indie rock flare … Continue reading The Foxchase is Officially On With Neither Could Dylan

Caleb Darger Has A Lot To Tell Us (and We’re Keen to Listen)

Warm. Inviting. Cozy. Those are just a couple of the feelings we get right off the top of Caleb Darger’s latest release. A clean picked acoustic guitar floats underneath his earnest vocals as he opens up about someone he might have hurt and he reflects on the experience while the wistful instrumentation that accompanies it provides a comforting safe space for us to give Darger … Continue reading Caleb Darger Has A Lot To Tell Us (and We’re Keen to Listen)

Peel yourself off the Asphalt for Danté Ravenhearst

Like the steady rumbling of an unseen oncoming train, the latest by Toronto-based folk songwriter Danté Ravenhearst seems to emerge from the distance with a certain spine-tingling sensation that suggests there’s much more underneath the surface of this brooding folk-rock track. Its initial beatings are steady and purposeful as the drums provide an encouraging pulse to the bass that is casually bumping alongside before Ravenhearst … Continue reading Peel yourself off the Asphalt for Danté Ravenhearst

I wanna tell you about Alex Southey’s God’s Green Earth

The latest by Alex Southey wouldn’t sound terribly out of place somewhere within The Arkells early repertoire; even vocally he almost takes on a style I can only describe as a sleepy and slightly slurring Max Kerman sitting on the floor of his McMaster dorm room after striking out while trying to pick-up at a college party he stayed much too late out at. Much … Continue reading I wanna tell you about Alex Southey’s God’s Green Earth

Chodźcie wszyscy, czas na lekcję polki z Hajda Banda!

Dowiedziałem się o tym zespole dopiero, gdy polecono mi go w mediach społecznościowych. Nie wiem jeszcze o nich zbyt wiele, ale te dwa filmy, które natknąłem się, bardzo mi się podobały. Cieszyć się! Wiem tylko, że ich debiutancka płyta nazywa się Hajda! i są grupą białorusko-polską. Wydaje mi się, że mają siedzibę w Warszawie, ale wciąż szukam informacji. Wygląda na to, że mają w drodze … Continue reading Chodźcie wszyscy, czas na lekcję polki z Hajda Banda!

Matt Pryor is releasing a Memoir

I love learning about my favourite bands and hearing stories about their lives and career, but I’m really someone that’s only really into it if it’s written by the artist themself. Enter Matt Pyror of The Get Up Kids and The New Amsterdams and his recently announced Red Letter Days. No, it’s not a rehashed boring recreation of the album of very similar name for … Continue reading Matt Pryor is releasing a Memoir

Your Folk Fix: Wide Arches – Farewell to All the Lovely Things

Your folk music fix today is brought to you by Wide Arches and their new album Farewell to All the Lovely Things that arrived on September 12th, 2023. Wide Arches is the debut singer-songwriter project of Toronto-based Juno-nominated multi-instrumentalist and composer Jacob Gorzhaltsan. The project began during the COVID-19 lockdown before Jacob realized the songs full potential utilizing the collaborative efforts of the Canadian musicians … Continue reading Your Folk Fix: Wide Arches – Farewell to All the Lovely Things

Spotlight On: Najas

Hailing from Powers, Oregon, folk-duo Najas is made up of Myco Stassens (guitars, lead vocals) and his niece Meadow Stassens (banjos, vocals). After initially releasing a bare cut of their new single in early 2023, on July 7th a revamped and more polished version of Gift Horse was released across streaming services. We were pleased to be able to push a couple questions over to … Continue reading Spotlight On: Najas

Alex Southey says we Never Listen… Well who’s eating their words now, Alex?

Released today is a brand new music video by Toronto based indie artist Alex Southey. “Never Listen” comes off Alex’s 2022 EP Common Fantasies that we told you about back in January and we’ve BEEN listening, Alex and we’ll KEEP listening, thank you very much. Honestly ever since I heard this track I’ve been having a little trouble placing it. It’s holds a really relaxed … Continue reading Alex Southey says we Never Listen… Well who’s eating their words now, Alex?