Your Folk Fix: Wide Arches – Farewell to All the Lovely Things

Your folk music fix today is brought to you by Wide Arches and their new album Farewell to All the Lovely Things that arrived on September 12th, 2023.

Wide Arches is the debut singer-songwriter project of Toronto-based Juno-nominated multi-instrumentalist and composer Jacob Gorzhaltsan. The project began during the COVID-19 lockdown before Jacob realized the songs full potential utilizing the collaborative efforts of the Canadian musicians featured on the record who all took to their own remote and home-studio spaced to contribute their performances; the culmination of these efforts make up Farewell to All the Lovely Things.

The result is a thoughtful and pragmatic collection of stories that grow only more remarkable the more you return to them for another listen, styled in the similar tones of Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and even hints of Canadian east-coast sea-straddlers like Ben Caplan.

I hesitate to say much more about the record and instead encourage you to put it on with your morning coffee and experience it yourself.

Standout tracks: Waves, Roadkill Cafe

Featuring: Meagan Luchko (Juniper Trio, After Funk), Kalyna Rakel (Kalyna & Dan, Johnny Goldtooth), Jared Higgins (The Sonny Balcones, Grapevine), Bret Higgins (Great Lake Swimmers, Sarah Slean), Lowell Whitty (Heavyweights Brass Band, King Cardiac), Michael Eckert (Megan Bonnell, Neon Eagle), and Molefe Mohamid-Mitchell (Doghouse Orchestra, Viper’s Cloud). Mastered by Justin Gray.

Keep up with Wide Arches on their website and social media channels

Need a little more? Here’s what’s whispering through the trees:

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