Avril Lavigne Announces The Greatest Hits Tour And Why Should I Care?

Avril Lavigne just announced her Greatest Hits tour (I’ll spare my commentary on that joke that writes itself), featuring pop-punk superheroes All Time Low and fellow Canadians Simple Plan. And that’s the part that gives me pause. It was only just a couple years ago when social media lit a fire under both Simple Plan and All Time Low and no it wasn’t for those … Continue reading Avril Lavigne Announces The Greatest Hits Tour And Why Should I Care?

Neither Could Dylan is Releasing a Music-Focused Children’s Illustrated Book

The news was slipped into Neither Could Dylan’s first newsletter, so if you were quick to sign-up you’ve already heard, but if you missed the cut-off we’ve got the scoop. From the newsletter: I’m officially a published author and my first release is a children’s illustrated short story called The Music Man. I wrote this story a long time ago in my teens, it’s a … Continue reading Neither Could Dylan is Releasing a Music-Focused Children’s Illustrated Book

Matt Pryor is releasing a Memoir

I love learning about my favourite bands and hearing stories about their lives and career, but I’m really someone that’s only really into it if it’s written by the artist themself. Enter Matt Pyror of The Get Up Kids and The New Amsterdams and his recently announced Red Letter Days. No, it’s not a rehashed boring recreation of the album of very similar name for … Continue reading Matt Pryor is releasing a Memoir

Canadian Petition for a Ceasefire in the Israel-Palestine Conflict

As with the rest of the world we have been horrified to watch the ongoing conflict play out in Gaza between Israel and Palestine. It is unfathomable that there continue to be attacks on Gaza and occupied Palestinian territories and for so many innocent lives to be impacted. You would think that we as a collective people would have learned by now that there is … Continue reading Canadian Petition for a Ceasefire in the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Music Video Feature: Chris Birkett – Everyone Deserves a Home

Written by: Jaimee Jakobczak I was pleased to meet and watch Chris Birkett perform for the first time when I volunteered as a sound tech for Toronto’s annual Winterfolk festival this past winter and today I want to share his song Everyone Deserves a Home which, as the title suggests, actively is calling for change within affordable housing here in Ontario, Canada. It’s not often … Continue reading Music Video Feature: Chris Birkett – Everyone Deserves a Home

Mail Call! The Canada Post Project has arrived.

In the wake of the hottest tour coming through North America for those aged out of Taylor Swift’s demographic, one that will challenge indie-pop sensation Benjamin Gibbard as he sets out to prove if he has the endurance of working class modern rock power house Bruce Springsteen – yes of course you know, we’re talking about the 20th anniversary tour of Death Cab for Cutie’s … Continue reading Mail Call! The Canada Post Project has arrived.

Crooked Forest’s Year in Review: 2022 Edition

We’ve just about made it to the end of 2022 which means it’s time to take a look back through the year and see how much we’ve accomplished before setting our attention to new goals and resolutions. It’s so easy to forget all the little things we’ve done, so I encourage you all to make your own victory list and take a moment just to … Continue reading Crooked Forest’s Year in Review: 2022 Edition

Let’s Talk About Sessions Live!

…and the Predatory Nature of the Music Industry (that’s the end of the blog title but it seemed a little wordy). Recently I tried to log on to Sessions Live for my normal semi-regular livestream sessions to find that the website just doesn’t work anymore. The links lead nowhere and there’s a DNS error in place of what used to be a pretty elegant and … Continue reading Let’s Talk About Sessions Live!

Re-Introducing Crooked Forest (the website) and Neither Could Dylan (the artist)

It’s Saturday April 16th, 2022 and I almost can’t even believe it. The last two years since starting this project and officially beginning to release music under this name in 2020 has been a whirlwind to say the least and it feels time not only to just quickly revisit some of what’s all gone down but to take a moment to revisit how we want … Continue reading Re-Introducing Crooked Forest (the website) and Neither Could Dylan (the artist)